Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Big Ragou

Penne with Beef Ragou

I am going to take this opportunity to say HELL TO THE YES! I am a goddess of the kitchen! All bow before me! This turned out awesome! The only real hitch was that I didn't realize until I was halfway through cooking the sauce that it has to cook for an hour, but it turned out okay

The recipe called for a bunch of vegetables, none of which I am big on, so I stuck with the garlic and onion in the sauce. The problem is that most grocery stores make you buy, like, six of whatever vegetable it is you want, and I only want one. I need to find some cute little veggie stand that lets you buy in any quantities. Then it'll actually be worth my grad student budget to put it in these kinds of dishes.

When the food was finally done, I put it in my cute little pasta bowls I got from BB&B, took pictures for the two of you reading, and chowed done. I was sitting on my couch and going into full-on paroxysms over the fact that I'd actually made something that turned out well. I'm not saying it was restaurant quality or anything, but it would definitely do for a little family dinner.

The only bum note of the evening was when I went to put away the leftovers. I was about to put the penne into little sandwich containers (man, could I use a Tupperware party right about now), and the entire bowl of pasta spilled onto my kitchen rug. I must confess to you, dear reader, I said a bad word. I debated just blowing on it and putting it back in the bowl, but I haven't cleaned my floor in ages, so I threw the pasta away and stored the sauce. If I want it later, I'll just cook some of the vermicelli I keep around.


Anonymous said...

woohoo - happy for you Chef! Looks yummy - you are an inspiration to all new cooks - keep on keeping on...

brianb80 said...

Hope you got the stain out.

Anonymous said...

you can usually buy veggies individually, they cost a little more that way, but we're talking pennies really. This "other" veggies were probably very important to the recipe and will make the difference between good and great!!

Lauren said...

Thanks, y'all! I'm definitely going to look into the local farmer's market for some veggies. And, yes, I did get the stain out.

Susan Black said...

Looks good, wish I had some at my house! We went to Natchez this weekend for the Balloon Races and no balloons went up due to the wind! We are back home and no food in the house!

Hope you get your rug clean!

Cuz Susan

Anonymous said...

hell to the yes! this is definitely up my alley -- talking about grad student budgets, letting a "bad word" slip, and dropping food on the floor. story of my life. . . and articulated so much better by you! can't wait to read about the next meal!